We provide bid process management services for selecting turnkey EPC or specialised contractors for the project. We are known for managing multi-split contracts by taking up the integration responsibilities that benefit the project developers.
We have several success stories to demonstrate our capabilities of handling multi-split contracts and procurement support by providing our detailed engineering services to projects such as Adani’s 648MW in the Kamuthi village of South India.
Proficiency –
Your Benefits
Our Services
Request for Proposal (RFPs) Documentation
Our team prepares the RFPs to invite bids from turnkey EPC or multi-split specialised contractors. These majorly cover project briefs, basic designs, sizing requirements, and general technical specifications. Typically, our RFPs include:
- Project overview.
- Project start-up and functional requirements.
- Scope of work.
- Contractor and owner’s basic obligations.
- Division of responsibilities between the owner and contractor.
- Project warranties and plant performance benchmarks.
- Technical specifications.
- Project performance guarantees.
- Defects liability period.
- Project acceptance criteria.
EPC contractor selection support
We assist our clients in prequalifying the contractors for bidding on the basis of their capabilities, track record, experience, expertise and financial strengths. We then run the bidding process for shortlisting the most appropriate contractors for the project. Our proposal evaluation, helps clients to identify the risk allocated to each case and how to manage the risk adequately.
Our support essentially helps the developers choose the best contractors for developing their solar PV project.
Contractual Support
We extend support through reviewing the key contractual elements. We ensure:
- Completeness of scope for capital equipment supply, installation, and commissioning.
- Completeness of scope for BOP (Balance of Plant) supply, installation, and commissioning.
- Performance monitoring and performance guarantees.
- Warranty duration and scope of coverage
- Contractual service period, scope, and length of service
- provisions for testing and acceptance, including performance tests after completion.
- Adequacy of liquidated damages provisions, and limits of liability in the event of performance shortfalls.
Technical Articles

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Technology and Applications

Importance of Eccentric Wind Loading on Monopitch Module Mounting Structures